Monday, July 2, 2007

What next?

It's 11 am on Monday July 2, 2007 and I'm feeling pretty jobless. I truly do not have much to do and I feel so redundant. It really isn't a nice feeling.

Don't get me wrong-there are days like that @ work and you don't mind, 'cause you could do with a little lull in work, but so early in the week? I wonder what this means for the whole of the week.

Thankfully, I'm being considered for a redeployment and can't wait to get out of here.

I did have a defined job at this time last year, till we had some new additions into the department (which truthfully speaking) I didn't see the need for (but moving on-why dwell in the past?).

One of them took over my functions (please note I wasn't informed that this change will take place till the chick resumed duty). A new desk was now carved out for (hmm! new challenge-may just be interesting). Had to work on defining the job description and that took a while-in the process made some new "friends" which wasn't bad but it is still not fulfilling and that's why I'm sitting here this morning, wondering what on earth I'm doing here.

A redeployment will just fill this void temporarily. Truth is I need a new job-I need a change. I want to do something else before I really lose it. Seven years of work experience should definitely count for something.

So many questions are now coming up in my mind-I realise I'm not where I thought I would be at this point in my life, but here I am. I really hate to complain but maybe bearing in mind all the "voids" existing in my life should ginger me to do something desperately about them.

Suggestions, any1?

PS: I'm using the attached pic because I'm longing for some order in this life of mine.


A Kel called Wonder ...... said...

We are both going thru the same phase(yea its a phase, u'll be fine). My goodness. Where r u and what do u do. Cos if ur in Lagos, i hear UBA has a new arm called UBA services, for their recruitment and HR.Will find out more.

random thoughts said...

Wow! That's really thoughtful of you! That did a lot 2 perk up my spirit this morning. Yeah I'm in Lagos and looking 4ward to all the info you can give, altho to be honest UBA is not my first choice